Pediatric Occupational Therapy

Sensory Diets: What Are They and Do They Work?

sensory diets


For individuals with sensory processing difficulties, daily life can be challenging. Sensory diets have gained popularity as a therapeutic approach to help manage sensory issues and promote self-regulation. But what exactly are sensory diets, and do they work? In this blog post, we will delve into the concept of sensory diets, explore their effectiveness, and provide insights into how they can benefit individuals with sensory processing difficulties.

Understanding Sensory Diets:

Sensory diets are individualized plans or routines designed to provide sensory input to individuals with sensory processing difficulties. These difficulties may manifest as over- or under-responsiveness to sensory stimuli, making it challenging to engage in daily activities and maintain emotional well-being. Sensory diets aim to provide a balance of sensory experiences to help individuals self-regulate, improve attention, and enhance overall functioning.

Components of a Sensory Diet:

A sensory diet typically consists of activities and strategies that target specific sensory needs. These activities can include sensory-rich experiences such as deep pressure input, tactile exploration, vestibular stimulation, proprioceptive activities, and visual or auditory input. The specific components of a sensory diet depend on an individual's unique sensory preferences and sensitivities.

Customization and Collaboration:

One of the key principles of sensory diets is customization. Each individual has distinct sensory needs and preferences, so it is essential to tailor the sensory diet to their specific requirements. Collaborating with occupational therapists or other trained professionals who specialize in sensory integration can provide valuable guidance in creating an effective and individualized sensory diet.

The Science Behind Sensory Diets:

While sensory diets are widely used, the scientific evidence supporting their effectiveness is still evolving. The concept of sensory integration, upon which sensory diets are based, suggests that providing the right sensory input can help regulate the central nervous system. However, more research is needed to fully understand the mechanisms and outcomes of sensory diets.

Effectiveness and Benefits:

Although the research on sensory diets is ongoing, many individuals and families report positive outcomes when implementing sensory diets. Sensory diets can help individuals with sensory processing difficulties improve their ability to self-regulate, enhance attention and focus, promote emotional well-being, and increase participation in daily activities. However, it is important to note that what works for one person may not work for another, highlighting the need for individualized approaches.

Incorporating Sensory Diets into Daily Life:

Implementing a sensory diet requires consistency and integration into daily routines. It is crucial to identify appropriate sensory activities that can be incorporated at home, school, and other environments where the individual spends significant time. The sensory diet should be flexible, allowing for adjustments based on the individual's changing needs and preferences.

Collaboration and Professional Guidance:

While sensory diets can be beneficial, it is recommended to seek guidance from the Pediatric Occupational Therapists at Flourishing Lives or other professionals experienced in sensory integration. These professionals can provide assessments, identify sensory processing patterns, and develop tailored sensory diets. They can also offer strategies and modifications to optimize the effectiveness of the sensory diet.


Sensory diets can be valuable tools for individuals with sensory processing difficulties. While the scientific evidence supporting their effectiveness is still evolving, many individuals and families report positive outcomes when incorporating sensory diets into their daily routines. Customization, collaboration with professionals, and consistent implementation are essential elements for maximizing the benefits of sensory diets. If you or your loved one struggles with sensory processing difficulties, consider consulting with an occupational therapist or a trained professional to explore how a sensory diet could support self-regulation, enhance functioning, and improve overall well-being.

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